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28th May 2024

Been on 8mg. Candesartan 2 yrs.Side effects are getting worse. Pounding but slow heart beat.Aching limbs back. Headaches. Congestion and now ear pressure. Tightness chest making it feel hard to breathe. Does get blood pressure down which is only reason I still take it. Feels like I'm vibrating inside. Lots of tingling.For about 2 hrs.after each dose I get stomach pain. Other symptoms as well.

Side effects
17th December 2021

I've been taking 2 tab 8mg Candsartan at night and 1 tab 5mg Amlodipine in the morning for 8 weeks to lower bp. Now my blood pressure is am 170/85 and throughout the day maybe 147/86.. These medications have done nothing other than make my heart pump harder. I have tried others and I get that dry cough I am feeling frustrated cause I am doing everything correct. I don't drink alcohol, smoke and eat a healthy diet. I believe it's menopausal created. I have never had high blood pressure like I do now. I'm tired throughout the day. Tough when normally you are an active healthy fitness advocate who loves to run and swim. Now it's hard to breath and my joints and muscles hurt all the time. Doctors don't know why? Right..I keep telling them why and they won't listen

Side effects
Written by a patient
21st November 2019

I took this for less than two weeks. It became unbearable. I started off with really heavy heart palpitations, then came the hoarseness (having to clear your throat and changes to the tone of voice in mid sentence - not great in a work setting) I checked in with my local pharmacist and they confirmed it can interfere with heart function. A week in and it hadn't even seemed to lower my blood pressure. I knew it was meant to reduce high blood pressure but that was about it. (I don't understand how it actually works) Second week in, the palpitations were still going strong and then the chest pain started. And that's where I drew the line. I stopped it right away. Enough was enough.

Side effects
Written by a patient
10th September 2019

I have been taking 4mg Candesartan for around 18 months along with 5mg Amlodipine taken at the same time of day. I used to take ACE inhibitor Lisinopril but found the constant coughing and clearing of my throat too much, hence switching to Candesartan. To my utter disappointment I found the coughing, clearing of my throat along with wheezing in bed at night did not go away. Now I am a 61 year old ‘fit’ male who has never ever smoked and does a lot of mountain/fell walking etc. I decided to drop Candesartan altogether and can you believe my coughing has stopped by around 80% so I am now torn at what to do next whether to see my GP and try something else or not. However all this said I have not eliminated the Amlodipine yet but I have researched on the web with an overall consensus that Amlodipine does ‘not’ cause upper respiratory problems or coughs. So I guess I have got a little more experiments do yet. I hope this helps some of you with similar problems with coughs and wheezing.

Side effects
Written by a patient
24th October 2018

I take Candasartan for migraine. So far it has been going well however I have had constant urticaria (hives) as a side effect, this has been managed using Loratadine 10mg.

Side effects

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Candesartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Candesartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Candesartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) in adults and children who are at least 1 year old. Lowering blood pressure can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart complications. Candesartan is also used in adults with certain types of heart failure, to reduce serious complications or death due to heart damage.


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